Waves’n See developed the WaveCams® system, an innovative video-monitoring technology to continuously follow the evolution of the shore at a local scale.Our mission, support your coast protection activities with a precise understanding of the hydro-sediment dynamics of your beach.
A tailor-made monitoring of coastal changes
Founded by two oceanographers in 2015, Waves’n See is a French startup that emerged from public research. We are pioneers in Europe in developing a high-frequency, operational coastal video monitoring technology. Thanks to our cameras associated with digital images and oceanographic data processing algorithms, we collect a complete set of coastal parameters.
From the beginning, we have been involved in collaborations with universities and research institutes to advance remote sensing in coastal oceanography. We design each WaveCams® to fit the specifics of the coastal zone to monitor your beach management or coastal infrastructure issues.
Our mission: To support your coastal protection activities with an accurate understanding of hydro-sedimentary dynamics, through continuous monitoring of rapid events such as storms as well as long-term changes such as sea level rise and erosion.
Based on the Météo France scientific campus, within the Météo Lab innovation incubator, Waves’n See is committed to an ongoing R&D policy alongside our research partners.
Wave characteristics
Topography / Bathymetry
Hydro-sedimentary budgets
The advantages of videomonitoring
- Coastal monitoring at different timescales to measure fast-paced phenomenons but also long-term evolutions
- Characterization of coast erosion and sea overtopping
- Only one system for a complete dataset
- Local data
- Images combined with scientific data
Depending on your needs

Anticipate beach maintenance operations

Monitor the efficiency of protection works and activities

Characterize the impact of storm events

Prevent sea overtopping risks
Our news
Job Offer — DevOps
Waves'n See offer a permanent position for a DevOps ! Our startup is dedicated to coastal video monitoring. We develop computer vision tools to analyse beach erosion, wave parameters and overtopping (storm surge flooding). From cameras that we install on site or from...
Job Offer
Waves'n See offer a permanent position for a Front End Developper ! Our startup is dedicated to coastal video monitoring. We develop computer vision tools to analyse beach erosion, wave parameters and overtopping (storm surge flooding). Our clients have access to a...
Beach slope monitoring
Seasonal and intraseasonal variations from the top to the bottom of a beach profile can be considerable. The shape of a beach profile influences greatly its ability to resist to the waves’ attacks. Therefore, this is a crucial morphological parameter to take into...
Automation of coastline detection
Coastline monitoring from video average images enables to assess erosion/accretion processes of a beach. Multiple calculation methods exist. Nevertheless, they often lack robustness to make it operational. To cope with this issue, Waves’n see has developed a technique...
Image stabilization
Video monitoring of coastal processes can be disturbed by camera movements. Whereas wind gust can cause high frequency movements, thermal dilation of the structure on which the camera sits on may cause daily frequency movements (see figure below).Horizon line...
WaveCams: the waves have arrived, where do they come from?
Today we change our perspective. In the previous posts about time-stack construction that allows us to estimate the period and height of the waves, we have always been looking at our beach in a one-dimensional cross-section. Today we will be looking at the waves in...
WaveCams Time-Stack: Height, energy and more
Today will be our last post of the first WaveCams Time-stack trilogy. We recommend to review our previous posts before starting (What is a time-stack? and the “Time Dimension”). How do we know we can approach the beach safely? Intuitively, we know if the sea is...
WaveCams Time-Stack: The Time Dimension
Today we will introduce the temporal dimension of our Time-stack, if you haven’t seen the explanatory video about this useful image yet I invite you to watch it here so you can better understand what we will see next. When we go to the beach and appreciate the waves...
How is your beach doing ?
From topographies generated by Wavecams® technology, Waves’n see establishes diagnostics revealing the health state of a beach, by measuring the erosion during stormy events, and the accretion during the following recharges. First, a straightforward approach consists...
Topography validation
Wavecams topographies are validated by comparison with independent topography measurements: DGPS and Lidar data if available. Here is an example of validation with DGPS measurements acquired in the central part of Etretat bay on the 10th of January 2020, through the...