Étretat – Prevention of marine submersion
Références > Étretat
In France, the famous Etretat’s central beach is made up of pebbles which are the city main defense against the risk of marine submersion.
The condition of the pebbles stock is continuously monitored by the Wavecams® system. This continuous monitoring over several seasons has made it possible to acquire detailed knowledge of the hydro-sedimentary dynamics of the beach. With the combination of the hydrographic and topographical data collected by the system, the aim is to locally qualify the risk level and to assess the effectiveness of protection works.
The frequency of acquisition is adapted so that the impact of high tides on the site can also be monitored.
Access to the viewer developed by Waves’n See also enables real-time access to the images, as well as diachronic comparison.
WaveCams® system monitoring parameters
- Détection automatique de la ligne d’eau
- Topographie intertidale
- Profils de plage
- Etats de mer
- Statistiques de franchissements
Our partners :
- Syndicat Mixte du Littoral 76
- Université de Caen Normandie
- Météo France

Topography / Bathymetry
Waves data
Hydro-sedimentary budgets